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D.G.WRIGHT Obituary David George Wright (1948 - 54) 1937 - 2010 After a short illness, David Wright died on the 26th June, 2010. His funeral was held on Monday, the 5th July, at Christ Church, Higher Bebington, Wirral and was attended by the Chairman and Vice Chairman and other Members of the Council of the Association. On leaving School in 1954, he secured employment with the Liverpool City Council, working first in the Town Clerk’s Department; gaining administrative qualifications. He was involved in Project Planning and Co-ordination, dealing with large scale land clearance and housing development programmes. He transferred to the newly formed Housing Department and retired in 1993 as Assistant Director of Housing, responsible for overall housing strategy and financial control. In 1955 he was called up for National Service and served in the Royal Air Force for two years in the RAF Work Study Team at Flying Training Command. He was elected to serve on the COBA Council in 2004 and was a regular attender at the Association’s AGM and Annual Dinner. In recent years David has made the arrangements for the Annual Remembrance Service, held in the Entrance Hall of the School Building in Shaw Street. As members will be aware, his Wife, Jill, a Lay Preacher, has kindly led our Services on Remembrance Day. David could be relied upon to make useful contributions to the proceeding of the Council and he will be sorely missed. |
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