Ken Webster Obituary

N.B.   This item has been copied (with permission) from the COB Football Web Site

Ken Webster  1932 - 2012

We are greatly saddened to announce the death of Ken Webster. Ken, who was 80 years of age, died on Tuesday (28th August) after a long battle with illness. Our deep sympathy goes particularly to Ken's wife, Gwyneth, and their children Helen, Ian and Sarah.

Ken was one of the great stalwarts of the Collegiate Old Boys Club, having been a highly competitive and effective centre forward and a fully committed member of the management committee for many years. After he hung up his boots, he organised Club training and acted as first team manager and, several years later, as the first manager of the Supervets squad.

He was also a leading light in the Club's social activities, having been a regular attender of the Easter tours of the Isle of Man and a pioneer of after-match libations in the Halton Castle.

Ken will be sorely missed and very warmly remembered by friends and opponents alike as a genuine legend in the rich history of Collegiate Old Boys Football Club.

Ken's funeral will take place at 2pm on Thursday, 6th September 2012, in the Rosemary Chapel of Springwood Crematorium, Springwood Avenue, Liverpool L25 7UN.

Ken's family have requested that no flowers be presented but donations to the Alzheimer's Society would be very much appreciated.