The School Song Words The CD

The School Song CD

CDs of the singing of the School Song (recorded at our Dinner in 2010) were on sale at the Annual Dinner in October last - and went like hot cakes!

Although we don't think it will get into the charts, a copy is a must for those wanting a bit of nostalgia of their schooldays at the Collegiate.

Copies of the CD are available from our Treasurer (Ron James) at the bargain price of £3 (inc. postage). Just drop him a line with your address and a cheque for this amount (made payable to COBA). Ron's address is :-

1, Mandeville Road, Ainsdale, Southport, PR8 2RH.

A nice Christmas present for yourself or an Old Boy you know


School Song


Vivat haec sodalitas
Decus Esmedunae,
Nulli usquam posthabenda,
Semper in caelum tollenda,
Magnae virum cunae.

Ecce domus splendida:
Stant ad auras muri.
Hic doctrinam excolentes*
Aemulos nullos timentes
Vivimus securi.

Sanitatem sequimur
Corporis et mentis;
Quicquid est pulchrum fovemus,
Quicquid est doctum studemus,
Proles clarae gentis.

Stimulat ingenium
Nos et virtus urget:
Nec ignota sunt maiorum
Facta, nec aetas minorum
Segnior exsurget

Nunc patronos memori
Corde celebremus:
Nos auxerunt largitate
Ampliarunt dignitate,
His honorem demus.

(Repeat first verse)

*NOTE: Correction of the wording of Paean Esmedunensis by changing the non-existent exolentes to excolentes, which means cultivating thoroughly.  True, only dyed-in-the-wool Classicists like myself might be aware of the gaffe, but for the sake of accuracy do, please, correct it.
John Benson 1935-42

A rough translation would be:-

1. May this fellowship endure, glory of Esmeduna, ever to be esteemed over all, to be lifted to heaven, a great cradle of heroes.
2. Behold its splendid home, whose walls faced the breezes! Here with our knowledge, with never a fear of foes, we live free from all cares.
3. Healthiness we here pursue, in body and mind; all that beauty holds we cherish, to whatever is wise we cling, sons of a famous race.
4. Genius sets its spurs to us, courage urges on; known to us our elders` deeds, nor is the age of younger boys slow to use them.
5. Now our patrons let us honour, mindful in our hearts; us they favoured with their bounty, glorified us with their grandeur; let us give them praise.

Note - The above has been extracted from the book by :-

H.S. Corran, B.A., Ph.D. entitled
"Liverpool Collegiate School 1908-1985, A Short History"

Dr. Corran was a former pupil of the School (1926-33)

The music of the song was written (sometime in the early 1930s) by the Headmaster, Mr. Gibson, and the words by the Vice-Principal, Mr. Dunstan. It was first performed at a Prize Giving in November, 1931.