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Robert Rennie (Robin) Finnegan (1938 - 1943) 1927 – 2013 I write to inform you that my uncle Robin Finnegan a long standing member of the Association died earlier this year. He attended the Collegiate between 1938 and 1943 and retained an interest in the school throughout his life which he lived entirely in and around Liverpool. On leaving the school he joined Lloyds Bank and apart from the time he spent on National Service in the RAF he was employed by the Bank for the whole of his working life. Following several years in St Helen’s he spent the majority of his career as manager of the Maghull Branch, serving there for over 25 years. He is remembered for the genuine interest he took in his customers’ affairs, his strong financial judgment and his rich sense of humour. He had many interests and central to them all was his Christian faith. Robin worshipped at Liverpool Cathedral for over 50 years. After the death of his wife in 1982 he became an interpreter (guide) at the Cathedral and served as Head Interpreter between 1988 and 2006. Amongst other things this required him to train new interpreters, a role in which he excelled. The day before he died he had spent the afternoon guiding people around the Cathedral sharing with them his passion for the building and all it represents. After his Service of Thanksgiving, fittingly held in the Main Space of the Cathedral, several people told me that at the time of his death he probably knew more about the Cathedral than anyone else. We were pleased that he was able to remain active and “on top form” to the end of his life. |
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