Charles Brimage

From : David Williams

19 June 2023

Dear All,

I received a message on my phone yesterday from Chris, grandson of Charles
Brimage. Sadly Charlie passed away a couple of days ago.

Some of you will recall that Charles served on the COBA Council for many
years and he is also the brother-in-law of our President Gwyn Thomas.

I have asked Chris for details of the funeral arrangement and will let you
know details in due course.


David Williams
Hon. Secretary

Charles Henry Brimage 

17 11 29 to 16 6 23

Charles was very proud to be a collegiate old boy and was delighted when Christopher his grandson joined the collegiate rugby section. 

Charles spent most of his working life working for Merseyside passenger transport in a number of roles but latterly as a senior Personnel professional, a job he loved.He enjoyed an active retirement playing bowls swimming and cycling and some lovely holidays with his wife Eleanor. 

He was a very hands on grandad to his 4 grandchildren and lived to enjoy 2 great grandchildren. He died peacefully at home.

He was a good man who lived a  good life